
  • Outils portatifs à moteur non-électriques - Sécurité

    CEN/TC 255

  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Européenne
  • 1) Standardization in the field of safety of non-electric hand-held power tools (including their use when mounted in fixtures) which can be both in one generic standard for aspects common to several types of tools, and standards for specific types of tools; 2) Coordination with CLC/TC 61F, CEN/TCs 65, 142, 144, 213, 151, 196 etc. for the purpose of ensuring the highest possible consistency in common safety measures; 3) Utilization of the work carried out in PNEUROP and other European Sector Committees or organizations; 4) Consideration of how B1-Standards for eg. the measurement of noise and vibration, and dust suppression, should be achieved in the field of responsability and with the aid of the CEN committees established for the purpose; 5) Standardization of vocabulary, symbols, and pictograms related to safety of hand-held tools.
  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Président :
  • Secrétaire :
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Suède
Liste des structures françaises assurant le suivi des normes élaborées par le comité ou sous-comité technique