
  • Quantum Technologies

    CEN/CLC/JTC 22

  • Domaine : QUANTIQUE
  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Européenne
  • The JTC shall produce standardization deliverables in the field of quantum technologies. This field includes quantum enabling technologies, quantum sub-systems, quantum platforms & systems, quantum composite systems and applications. The standardization deliverables cover but are not limited to the following areas: quantum metrology, sensing and enhanced imaging; quantum computing and simulation; quantum communication and quantum cryptography. The JTC will provide guidance to other technical committees concerned with quantum technologies. The JTC shall also consider the adoption of and contribution to relevant international standards and standards from other organizations, like ISO/IEC JTC 1 and its subcommittees. The JTC shall produce standardization deliverables to address European market and societal needs, as well as underpinning EU legislation, policies, principles, and values.
  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Président :
  • Secrétaire :
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Allemagne
Liste des structures françaises assurant le suivi des normes élaborées par le comité ou sous-comité technique