
  • Techniques des eaux résiduaires

    CEN/TC 165

  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Européenne
  • Functional standards, standards for performance and installation in the field of wastewater engineering for systems and components.Where there is no existing material related TC, product standards for all components of discharge pipes, drain and sewer pipes, pipelines, separators etc. according to the resolutions of BT (for the organization of work in the field of metallic tubes see resolution BT 160/1989).Standards for design, calculation, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance in the field of wastewater engineering, from the point of origin (with the exception of the product standards for sanitary appliances*) up to the point of disposal, including treatment plants and use of treated wastewater for purposes other than agricultural irrigation.*) flushing cisterns, urinals, kitchen sinks, basins bidets, baths, (including whirlpool baths) and shower trays, see TC 163 Resolution 2 (London), WG 3 and 4.
  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Président :
  • Secrétaire :
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Allemagne
Liste des structures françaises assurant le suivi des normes élaborées par le comité ou sous-comité technique