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Standardization in the field of e-procurement to support the electronic public procurement processes and their accompanying information flows in the physical and financial supply chain. This is to facilitate end-to-end e-procurement including both Pre-award and Post-award processes for public procurement covering:e-notification- Publication of and access to notices related to procurement opportunities such as Prior information Notices, Contract Notices and Contract Award Notices.e-access- Electronic access to tender documents and specifications, including electronic access to supporting documents for suppliers in the preparation of a Tender response, e.g. clarifications, questions and answers.e-submission- Secure submission of tenders and/or catalogues in electronic format to the contracting body (contracting authority/ contracting entity), which is able to receive and process it in compliance with applicable legal requirements.e-evaluation- Evaluation of the electronic tenders and/or catalogues received by the contracting body following the closing deadline of a tender competition, including electronic exchange to support for evaluators to clarify the tender.e-awarding- Information exchange regarding award of the contract, including electronic exchange to support tenderers request for additional information about the result of the procedure.e-contract- Signing, enactment of a contract / agreement and possibly its related catalogue through electronic means between the contracting authority/entity and the winning tenderer(s), as well as signing of contract amendments and possibly their related catalogue.e-sourcing- Activities preparatory to issuing an order. It can consist in exchanging electronic messages with winning tenderers who have signed a framework agreement with the contracting body, a request for quotation and
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