
  • TRICK - Product data traceability from cradle to cradle by blockchains interoperability and sustainability service marketplace


  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Européenne
  • The planned CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement establishes a set of guidelines for data collection along textile and textile products supply chains to support the collection of validated information both for the purpose of traceability of goods as well as of transparency and sustainability claims. The CWA starts from the TRICK project outcomes but could also include contributions from other European project, to provide a comprehensive view of the circular approach required by the European Commission. It addresses processes related to traceability and transparency but also, transversally, addressing the need to collect blockchain references and footprints of the information to guarantee their source and integrity. A mapping will be proposed between the expected categories of information foreseen for the Digital Product Passport (DPP, from ESPR regulations) and the information collected from the textile and textile products supply chains in the two project¿s pilots. The proposers are aware that sectorial Delegated Act for textile and textile products industry about DPP are expected for late 2025, therefore after the conclusion of this CWA. However, a list of macro categories of information is already defined by the recently approved ESPR regulation recently approved and therefore it will start from these. Basically, the planned CWA is not intended to be used for data exchange and representation of the information within the DPP foreseen by the ESPR regulations (they will be regulated by outcomes of the CEN JTC24). The main aim of this CWA is to support the collection of information along the supply chain on which the declaration to be published on the DPP will be based. Furthermore, the planned CWA is intended to be used by any industry in textile and textile products sector, along the whole supply chain, with `ready to use¿
  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Italie
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