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CEN TC 428 is responsible for all aspects of standardization related to maturing the ICT Professionin all sectors, public and private. This includes, at a minimum, activity related to four major buildingblocks of ICT Professionalism:(1) competences (standardization of a common language of digital and ICT Professionalcompetences, skills and knowledge applied in all domains),(2) education and certification,(3) Code of Ethics and(4) Body of Knowledge (BoK).The main areas of standardization where CEN TC 428 will develop its activity are as follows:* Definition, maintenance and evolution of digital Professional competences in all sectors, alwayslooking at current business adoption and new emerging technologies and trends as they becomerelevant to the ICT profession as a whole (e.g. security, fintech, cloud, blockchain)* Interaction with different frameworks* Curricula guidance* ICT Professional Role Profiles* Guidance for assessing the published standards* Body of Knowledge (BoK) for ICT* Development of an education and certification model related to e-CF,* Developing a sustainable code of ethics in the ever-changing ICT world.All conceptual developments shall be consistent and interrelated.
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