
  • Aptitude à la fonction des appareils électrodomestiques et analogues

    ISO/TC 59

  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Internationale
  • To prepare International Standards on methods of measurement of characteristics which are of importance to determine the performance of electrical appliances for household use or of electrical appliances for commercial use and that are of interest for the user. This may include associated aspects related to the use of the appliances and aspects such as the classification, accessibility and usability of appliances, ergonomic characteristics and conditions for the information provided at the point of sale.
    Note 1: Appliances for household use designates equipment intended for housekeeping functions such as washing, cleaning, heating, cooling, cooking, etc and appliances intended for use in the home environment such as shavers, hair care appliances, food preparation appliances, etc.
    Appliances for household use which cover use by non-expert users in similar conditions as in households are also considered as household appliances, for example:
    - in shops, offices or other similar work environments;
    - in farm houses;
    - by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
    - in bed and breakfast type environments.
    Note 2: Appliances for commercial use designates equipment to be used by persons that have been trained on the use of such appliances and appliances and machines which are declared to be for commercial use by laypersons.
    Note 3: Appliances for industrial use are not covered by the standards prepared by TC59
    Note 4: TC59 does not deal with appliances which are already explicitly covered by the scope of other IEC or ISO TCs.
  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Président :
  • Manager :
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Allemagne