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The role of the Commercial Policy Advisory Group (CPAG) is to make recommendations to Council on matters related to the implementation of ISO's commercial policy (ISO POCOSA) and to the exploitation and protection of ISO's copyright. In particular, the CPAG will provide advice on:
The application of the principles in ISO POCOSA by ISO members, the ISO Central Secretariat and their third-party distributors;
The possible solutions to conflicts between members in the application of POCOSA;
The possible evolutions of ISO POCOSA in order to maximize the dissemination and use of ISO Publications, ensure that the policy helps in meeting with evolving needs of end users and with the challenges around the exploitation and the protection of ISO's copyright;
The support to be provided by ISO/CS to all ISO members to ensure they can fulfill their role as distributors of ISO Publications, including the possible elaboration by the ISO/CS of products and services to support members' sales activity;
The specific requests received by the Secretary-General on issues related to the ISO's commercial and copyright policy not covered by ISO POCOSA;
Any other issue or question related to the dissemination of ISO Publications and the exploitation and protection of ISO's copyright.
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de cette commission de normalisation.
Nous reviendrons vers vous prochainement pour vous apporter les informations complémentaires relatives à cette structure.