
  • Vieillissement et résistance aux agents chimiques et environnants

    ISO/TC 61/SC 6

  • Domaine : PLASTIQUES
  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Internationale
  • All standardization activities in the field of plastics relating to ageing, chemical and environmental resistance. This includes in particular, but not limited to, standardization of atmospheres for conditioning and testing, of test methods for natural and artificial weathering, for exposure to natural and artificial solar radiation, for exposure to the environment (such as heat, salt mist, microorganisms), for the determination of fungistatic, antiviral and antibacterial activities. The tests of ageing, chemical and environmental resistance include standards for the recording of the resulting material ageing by measuring the material properties.

  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Allemagne
Liste des structures françaises assurant le suivi des normes élaborées par le comité ou sous-comité technique