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Standardization of methods of sampling and analysis in fields of oilseeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their by-products.This includes physical, physical-chemical and biochemical.
Business environment European Union is one of the major actors in the fats and oils sectors. The EU (25) produces 13% of the 108 million tons (2004), just after China (13%). EU is the leading producer in rapeseed and in olive oils. EU is in 2004 the fourth producer in oilseed residues, just behind Brazil with 23,3 million tons of oilseed residues. Within all the range of products : human food, feeding stuffs, transformation, biofuels, technological and sanitary characteristics of these products must be assessed at each step of the chains. Confidence in the results of analysis is the basis for a fair trade between stakeholders and for optimal utilisation of oilseeds, vegetable fats and oils and their by-products. BenefitsThe harmonisation of a collection a standards from international (ISO) to European Union (CEN) and then within the Members states. These methods are recognised and accepted by all the stakeholder and the contribute to facilitate the commercial exchanges within the members community. Moreover, the implementation of ISO standards allowed European partners of the field of activities to be perfectly integrated to the global market. Since its creation, CEN/TC 307 adopted 49 ISO standards and 10 EN standards have been created in the frame of biodiesel development. One of the most recent example of benefit in terms of Food and Feed Safety is the implementation of EN ISO 15302 “Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of benzo[a]pyrene content - Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method” thathelps to fulfil the requirements described in Commission Regulation (EC) No 208/2005 of 4 February 2005 and Commission Directive 2005/10/EC of 4 February 2005Priorities To implement international standards for the highest harmonisation of practices and methods between EU members and for their integration on the international trade markets. To contribute to the development of a food and feed security and to the development of biofuels.
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