
  • Administration, Finance and Strategic Planning within Organizations

    CEN/TC 476

  • Domaine : CN FINANCE
  • Secteur d'activité :
  • Filière : Européenne
  • Standardization in the field of Administration, Finance and Strategic Planning within organizations, with specific focus on the qualification of professions and the definition of process requirements. The committee aims to standardize various topics related to finance, which include:- standards on the professional profile of the Credit Manager and on processes related to Credit Management;- standards on the professional profile of the Treasury Manager and on processes related to Treasury Management;- standards on the professional profile of the CFO and on processes related to Financial Management.
  • Informations détaillées de la structure
  • Président :
  • Secrétaire :
  • Secrétariat assuré par : Italie
Liste des structures françaises assurant le suivi des normes élaborées par le comité ou sous-comité technique