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The purpose of this CEN-CENELEC Workshop is to provide guidelines to:- Measure Levels of Service and resilience in infrastructures- Set target levels of service and resilience for infrastructuresThe tentative title is: Levels of service and resilience of transport infrastructure ¿ Guidelines for the assessmentThe tentative scope is:These guidelines are to be used to determine 1) how to measure, the service provided by, and the resilience of, transport infrastructure, and 2) how to set service and resilience targets of transport infrastructure. It includes:- the concepts of how service and resilience can be measured, - the concepts of how service and resilience targets can be set,- the steps to determine how to measure service and resilience, and- the steps to set service and resilience targets.The agreement will be formalized by one CEN-CENELEC Workshop agreements (CWA), which is intended to be available free of charge.The proposed CWAs will not define requirements related to safety aspects.
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