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Standardization of solid recovered materials, including solid recovered fuels, from non-hazardous waste for the purpose of utilisation (recovery and recycling) in a following process. The scope covers the material from the point of acceptance to the point of delivery into the next stage of processing.Excluded: Fuels covered by CEN/TC 335.NOTE Solid recovered material (SRM) is any non-hazardous waste that can be specified and classified for a specific recovery or recycling purpose, as with Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), which is only to be called SRF if it has specifications and classes that meet therequirements for energy conversion. Other purposes may, for example, be chemical recycling and mineral input into cement manufacture. The purpose of use for the SRM, in and of itself, is not important to these SRM standards unless specifically stated as such within the relevant standard(s). Reuse is not recognised as a purpose for SRM within these standards.
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