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Standardization in the field of smart community infrastructure, including basic concepts to define and describe smartness of community infrastructure as an integrative large scale product, harmonized metrics for benchmarking, usage of the metrics for application to the diverse types of communities, and specifications for measurement/reporting/verification. ISO/TC 268 SC1 focuses on technical aspects of smart community infrastructure which are basic structures that support the operation and activities of urban communities, e.g. energy, water, resource management systems, ICT infrastructure.
The concept of smartness is addressed in terms of performance relevant to technologically implementable solutions, based on multiple aspects including sustainability.
NOTE TC 268/SC 1, within the Scope of TC 268, addresses subjects that can relate to the scope of other technical TC/SCs in ISO/IEC only when such TC/SCs are not addressing smart community infrastructure issues. In doing so, TC 268/SC 1 in principle collaborates with such relevant TCs/SCs, through liaison mechanism or joint work. TC 268/SC1 intends to disseminate the documents developed by those relevant technical TCs/SCs by referring to them.
Excluded: Standardization of subjects covered by TC 268/SC 2.
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